Quality Control

Our dedicated quality control laboratory technicians are continuously checking and monitoring the quality of the raw materials, finished products, and the production process. We have separate laboratories at all our factories with a dedicated team. This lab creates a framework for clearly defining the control of process and verification activities thus providing our clients with confidence that the products are delivered in a well-defined & controlled manner.

ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
The company is proud to have obtained the ISO 9001:2015 certification. ISO 9001:2008 is the globally recognized quality management system, for manufacture and supply and installation of products.

Al Manaratain has established and specified the measurement requirements (including acceptance criteria) for its products. The measurement of products is planned and performed in order to verify that the requirements of the customer have been achieved. Al Manaratain will ensure that in-process monitoring is carried out along with a final inspection to confirm verification and validation activities.
These details are cross-checked and accepted by the person(s) authorized to release the product.
Al Manaratain reviews the methods used for measuring products and records of verification, to consider opportunities for performance improvement. Typical examples of product measurement records that could be considered for performance improvement may include inspection and test reports, material release notices, product acceptance forms etc.